iheartfaces is exactly how it sounds. Each week a new theme is posted usually requiring you to post a photo with someone's face in it that includes that week's theme. Submissions are accepted on Monday and Tuesday. Challenge closes on Tuesday night. Click on the button below to go check it out now!
Favorite Photo of the Week Contest
This contest is hosted by Through A Photographer's Eyes every week. The contest opens Friday at 12:01am and closes on Monday at 11:59pm. The rules are simple: Submit your favorite photo from the past week's photos that you captured and the top 5 photos will be chosen as winners. Want to participate? Click on the button below.Take A Photo Tuesday
The Simple Things Challenge
Rebecca over at Simple As That hosts the linkup called "The Simple Things Challenge" on her blog.
It's all about capturing photos of the simple, everyday things that bring us joy. Come link up every Sunday. The linky ends Wednesday evening. Click on her button to check out her linkup and join in on the fun!

that friday blog hop
Rebecca over at From Mommy to Calm Insanity hosts the linkup called 'that friday blog hop' on her blog. It starts Thursday evening and runs through the following Wednesday. Its a blog hop that is pretty simple. Anyone can link up their blog, and/or twitter and then find other blogs to follow. No rules. Just have fun.Click on her button to check out her linkup and join in on the fun!
Project 365 Linky
Sarah over at Naptime Mom tog hosts the linkup '365 Project Linky'. Every Friday this linky opens for you to link up your photos from the week, either in a separate blog post, in one blog post or in a collage form like she does. Simple as that.
Exploring with a Camera
Kat at The Kat Eye View of the World hosts the linkup called 'Exploring with a Camera' on her blog.
Exploring with a Camera is to get people having fun and exploring the world around them with their camera. We do our best work when we play creatively. She posts a bit about a concept she's playing with - a design element, a subject, a technique - and invite others to join in and share their interpretations. The best description is probably on this page on her blog: View. She posts a new exploration every other Thursday, and the link up is open for almost two weeks to give people time to really explore the theme. She also invites contributions to a Flickr Pool, and feature photos from the pool on her blog during the theme. It expands our learning and view to see the world through others eyes too.

Back to Basics
Halie over at Shutterscapes hosts the linkup called 'Photography Basics: The Art of Composition' on her blog. According to the book (The Art of Composition by Bert Kragges which inspired the meme), the exercises in the book were designed to help photographers to develop their skills in composition and perception. The basic rule is to shoot your photographs in Monochrome (from camera and not shot in color, then converted to black and white). According to what I've read, it will help one enhance his/her skills in perception and recognize elements like edges, spaces and the relationships between objects without introducing the more complicated elements of manipulation of hue, intensity of color and the likes. The exercise is geared towards the use and hopefully the mastery of lights and the play of shadows in a photograph.

Monday Rewind
Gina over at Chic Homeschool Mama hosts the linkup called 'Monday Rewind' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup here: My linkup is basically just a way for people to share some of their favorite photos from the previous week that might not have fit into a given prompt or other linky theme. I know that I have tons of photos every week that don't fit any prompt & wanted a way to share them with my readers. I figured my readers might have the same- So I created this hop so we could all share things that are going on with us.
Courtney over at One Mom's Perfect Imperfections hosts the linkup called 'iPhoneography' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: iPhoneography is a fun blog hop for all iPhoneographers out there to share what they can do with their camera phones. You do not have to have an iPhone to participate - any camera phone will do. I do also try to feature a new iPhone app or trick each week. Linky opens at 7pm CST on Friday and closes at midnight the following Sunday.
Photo Friday
Andrea over at Milestones and Memories hosts the linkup called 'Photo Friday' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: My link up party is every Friday and called "photo friday." I am a very new beginner photographer and just got my first DSLR camera. That said, I try to highlight something I am learning about photography or my camera each week, sometimes have a guest photographer share some photography insight, or just display my "week-in-review" photos. The link up highlights others anything-photography-related posts from that week. It is fairly new and I am currently going through the 12 week photography course from two peas in a bucket with each Friday being a new lesson from that series.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday
Ashley over at Ramblings and Photos hosts the weekly linkup called 'Scavenger Hunt Sunday' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup:
The rules are simple:
- Anyone can participate.
- You're encouraged to take five new photos this week for the challenge.
- If you get stumped, you may use one photo from your archive (although I'm not too strict about it - I do my best to take fresh shots).
- Link up here on Sunday (or Tuesday at the latest) - you can use the button above.
- Leave comments for at least five entries around yours (we have so many new participants each week, this is the only way I know to be inclusive).
- Have fun!

Thankful Thursdays
Becky over at Three Girls and a Guy hosts the weekly linkup called 'Thankful Thursdays' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: Thankful Thursdays starts on Wednesday evening and closes on Friday at midnight. The idea is to post the things you are thankful for from the past week - it can be a list, a picture, a song, a link, etc. Participants are encouraged to visit the other blogs for encouragement and also to encourage.

Be Inspired

Foto Friday
Lori over at LaLa's Home Daycare hosts the weekly linkup called 'Foto Friday' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: Foto Friday is hosted by Lori at La-La's Home Daycare each Friday with a new theme each week. Submission begins at 12:01am Friday and end Sunday at 11:59pm. The rules are simple, link a themed photo, go visit others and tell me your favorite, and the favorite photo will be featured the following Friday.

Hump Day Hollah
Heidi over at Heidi has a Hobby hosts the weekly linkup called 'Hump Day Hollah' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: For those that are not hip to the scene (like me, who had to call a few friends for guidance on appropriate use of the word...), "Hollah!" is a an enthusiastic greeting or amplified expression (definitions by urbandictionary.com and hollah.com....). What better way to greet the day that brings us halfway through the week than to Hollah!? The challenge is nothing more than to send in a favorite photograph that you took, preferably this week so far but anything is really fine, and submit here for your chance to win... yes.... a highly sought after " High Five from Heidi"! Photos will be judged by myself or friends or neighborhood kids or whoever drives by my house as I drink wine on my porch on Friday night (winners may be posted on Sat. morning-see "drink wine on porch section of post"). ***I actually just made the deadline Friday at 11:59 pm so it really will be Sat.! Here are some guidelines: 1. Anyone can participate using any camera-edit or not.
2. Try to take the photo this week but I will not be policing this-I just like a little no pressure/no stress uplift halfway through the week..bring on whatever you can! 3. Link up here-that means to grab a "Hump Day Hollah!" button for your post and then add your post to the list below. 4. Leave a Hollah! (enthusiastic greeting/amplified expression) for other participants because, doggonit, it is affirming and fun and interactive.

Ana over at Wonderland hosts the weekly linkup called 'Earth Wonders' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: I've a little challenge over my 'wonderland' called 'Earth Wonders'. Each Wednesday I publish a post with a little inlinkz gadget, so everyone can link to their photo. The post will go up in the early hours of Wednesday morning, and will close the following Tuesday at 23:59pm GMT London Time. Each week there is a theme, but everyone is free to choose the subject as long as it fits their 'wonders' list. Simple and fun :)
Tones on Tuesday
Emily over at Scattered Horizons hosts the weekly linkup called 'Tones on Tuesday' on her blog. She has included the details of her linkup: Photographers are asked to submit a photo where they have altered the tones - such as a black and white or sepia toned photo. The link up starts on Tuesday morning at 8am PST and goes until Friday evening at 10pm PST.Edit Me Challenge
Branson, the creator of the Edit Me Challenge and Kathryn over at Our Tiny Big Life host the weekly linkup called 'Edit Me Challenge'. Included are the details of this linkup: Every week, Branson and Kathryn team up to offer a unique photo challenge that’s open to all! The challenge? Take the Edit Me picture posted on Wednesday each week and edit to your heart’s content until midnight the following Saturday. This challenge is all about expanding creativity and learning new editing techniques from other participants. You can use ANY photo editing program: Photoshop, Lightroom, Picnik, Picasa, etc. Crop, use actions, practice presets, clone, add words. Just make sure you tell us a little about your processing steps when you link up your edit. It’s a whole lot of fun and great practice, and you might get picked by our guest judge as one of the week’s Top 3 or even the Overall Winner!
Nicolasa over at My Perspective host the weekly linkup called 'Quotography'. Included are the details: Each week there are different themes and you post pictures you took with a quote, song, or poem that goes with the theme.
Photo Tip Tuesday
Jaymi over at Live. Love. Travel. host the weekly linkup called 'Photo Tip Tuesday'. Included are the details of this linkup: The idea behind Photo Tip Tuesday is simple. I have learned so much about photography and editing from reading blogs and I know others love to learn tips and tricks as well. On Photo Tip Tuesday, you can link up as many photos as you like and simply share something about how you took the photo or how you edited it. Your tip can be anything from a full fledged tutorial, to simply sharing what lens you used, what your camera settings were, or perhaps what action you used to edit your photo. And please never think that you don't know enough to share a tip or that you aren't advanced enough to teach others. People read blogs from all levels of photography knowledge, and the simplest of tips can help one another.
My goal with this link up is for people to visit others, learn, share, and make new friends. The link-up will be up from Tuesday to Thursday and I will post my favorites sometime over the weekend. It might be my favorite photo, or my favorite tip. I hope you'll stop by and link up!

Foto Friday
Wendy over at Choosing Love hosts the weekly linkup called 'Foto Friday'. Included are the details of this linkup: Foto Friday is a place for you to share your favorite photo of the week. The link up opens on Friday and closes on Thursday.
Wild & Wonderful Wednesday
Kimberly over at A Fresh Perspective hosts the weekly linkup called 'Wild & Wonderful Wednesday'. Included are the details of this linkup: Each Wednesday you can stop by and link up your wild and/or wonderful photo(s) from the past week. Wild could be a some beautiful flowers, a gorgeous landscape, an adorable critter, or even your wild and crazy kid(s)! And wonderful could be anything you think is wonderful! As you can imagine, I'm pretty flexible. I just want you to show off your incredible photos! :)

Feel free to grab the linkup button from my buttons tab to let others know about the linkup list.