Day 152 - A Change for the Better

Ok, so I don't really believe in fortunes but it was something fun to take a picture of. As a Christian I do daily strive to be like Christ which in turn will make me better. :) As long as I bring glory to Him with my life that is all that matters to me.

The Daily Wyatt


Tracy said...

Love the way you look at things!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Bringing glory to God is such a great thing to strive for.It is my prayer that I bring Him glory.

Jamie said...

Amen Misty!!

Sandra V. said...

I really like this a lot. Your composition skills are outstanding!

karren said...

This is a great shot...I love the textures, and the sentiments

Scott said...

Nice simple photo. I like it!

Anonymous said...

How could anyone get that 'fortune' and *not* take a photo of it?! Great shot!

Kristin said...

I'm forever stashing my favorite fortunes only to find them wadded up in the back of a drawer years later, so I like the way you preserved this one much better, and your sentiment to go with it is so inspiring.

gottaluvboyz said...

Great shot...the texture is just amazing!

Anonymous said...

Perfectly shot!

Nadege, said...

Great texture and composition. I love the shallow depth of field.

Unknown said...

Wonderful DOF! and textures!

Cindy said...

cool pic!

and know this.
you DO bring Him glory.
i hear it. i see it.
and someday i'm thinking i will IRL too! :)

Anonymous said...

Bringing Him glory. Amen to that.

Katie said...

Well, AMEN to that! A change for Christ will always lead to wonderful things! :)

Marla said...

I love fortune cookies... especially when they have happy, encouraging words inside. Great shot. :)

Marla @

Deborah said...

Beautiful work, and beautifully said, Misty! Love your openness ... bringing Him Glory is truly all that matters ... it's all about Him! You have a blessed weekend! :)

Susan said...

What an amazing picture. Yes, with the Lord's grace we will all be better.

Loved this one!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - and a wonderful message for anyone of whatever faith.

Anonymous said...

nce simple photo, great all the blurry!

via Texture Thursday

Light Trigger

Abi said...

That's an awesome photo- I think the dof is perfect!

Mrs. H said...

I agree with your summary on the idea of "fortunes" (& also your eye for this being a fun shot ;) Great composition.

Kristen Laudick said...

Great shot!

Heather Parker said...

This is really neat. I love the focal point!