Calling All Christians!

As you may have noticed last year, I was doing a weekly Sunday series on my blog called Sunday: Focus on the Savior. I took a break from it towards the end of the year because I know how busy everyone's lives get that time of year and I didn't want to pressure anyone to get a guest post to me.'s now the new year and I am looking for guest posters who want to write up something for my weekly feature. Whether it be your testimony, or something the Lord has taught you, I am just looking for those who want to publicly give honor and glory to the Lord.

If you would like to write up a guest post for my blog, please leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will send you the details.

Let's make this year a year of giving God the glory!


Carrie said...

Sounds like a lovely idea. I'd be happy to contribute to such a special project.

NCSue said...

I'd love to know more -

suzannenroth at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to!

hazzelelponi54 at rocketmail dot com

LeAnne said...

Would love to participate.

nursegirl said...

janamarek at gmail dot com

Rachel said...

Life's busy but this is something worth making time for

Jennifer Officer said...

It scares me to put myself out there, but I would like to be a part of such a community.
jofficer at twlakes dot net

Amy S said...

Sounds amazing! :) I totally would LOVE this ....

Bonhomie said...

i'd love to! (found you via the hollie rogue)


Justina Mikalik | Photography said...

I would LOVE to participate!!!

Chuck Taylor said...

I might be able to write a thing or two.

How would we go about sending the article?

Pam said...

I'd love the details about this!

the hollie rogue said...

i received your comments about me guest posting for this and kept replying but just recently realized they weren't going to your emails as I thought. anyway, i'm completely up for this if you'll have me! email me with the details. Thanks

Aline@TamedMusingsBlog said...

I would feel honored to participate! How would it work?

marquesaline at gmail dot com