Coming Fall 2012

Yep yep yep! You read that right. Baby girl is going to be a big sister! Seems like it's one big pregnant party in blog land right now so if you're not pregnant yet, feel free to join in on the festivities anytime. :)

P.S. These pictures were taken at high noon with an uncooperative toddler. I must say I am pleased with how they turned out despite the obstacles. :)

Due Date: October 15, 2012

What caught me by surprise: How quickly I am showing this time. When they say you show earlier with your second, they weren't kidding.  7 weeks in and I already can't fit into two of my fave pairs of jeans.

Baby's size: A blueberry

Planned pregnancy?: Most definitely

How long did it take?: Two months. The hubs has reminded me many times how blessed I am. It only took two months to get pregnant with both of my children. (Wow that feels weird to say: "both of my children")

Side note: I took a pregnancy test 2 days before I was scheduled to start my period and got a negative. Had what I thought was a period (abnormal for implantation) and a week and a half later took another pregnancy test just to quiet my nagging disappointment. I was pleasantly surprised with two lines!

Things I am looking forward to: My growing belly and my first appointment.


Amy H said...

Congratulations!!! You and your family must be sooo thrilled!

Daenel T. said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful announcement.

Serendipityissweet said...

Wow, congratulations! That is exciting news ;) I love your announcement pics. Beautiful!!

Best wishes for a healthy and "easy" pregnancy ;)

Lisa said...

Oh Misty! I'm so excited for you! What a fun way to announce it too!

Leah said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting and so great it only took two months. I hope when my time comes it doesn't take long either.

Unknown said...

Yay how exciting, congrats! Speaking of a ton of pregnancies I am due on the exact same date!!! With my second too although ours was a big surprise. Only took a week on no birthcontrol pills! There are a ton of us on here, I'm glad we all get to experience it together! When is your first appt? I had mine a few days ago and saw our little munchkin, it was so great!

Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

Congratulations! Love the cutie in the photos and the lines from the bridge.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful for you! Congratulations! And, since I'm a grandmother of 3 boys, I will pass on the invite to join the 'party' - ha, ha! Also, these photos are stunning...and timely since a friend just asked me how in the world she could get better photos of here 2 little ones in bright sun. Have any special hints/helps?
Again, big congrats!

Pam Bowers said...


That's one of my favorite places to shoot. Even despite all the scary spiders that live there.

Amy said...

Congratulations!! What a cute way to announce it.

Bethany said...

Such cute photos!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting!

But that will be one party I will not be joining! This factory is shut down. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What a creative way to announce. :D

It definitely seems like it's a preggy party year this year! I'm happy to live vicariously through everyone. ;)

Kim Stevens said...

Congratulations, and these shots are just adorable!! Love that last one where she is pointing and the shadows!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

So nicely taken !

Saun said...

congratulations.!!! awesome shots

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Congratulations Misty, that's very exciting news. Your photos don't at show an evidence of lighting or model issues, you did well!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Misty,
Fantastic all these shots!!
Nice to see this traveling little girl. Amazing on that bridge. You've chozen a great location for your shoot.

Greetings, Marco

Carrie said...

Congrats Misty! We must've had the same vibe to announce in the chalkboard way! We're expecting baby brother in April!

Unknown said...

OH my god! You're pregnant!That is so wonderful Misty! Luckily you don't even like sushi! =) -Jessica

Mari said...

WooHoo! Congratulations on this wonderful news. I love the pictures too!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!!! Everyone is pregnant. It is crazy!! Love these photos.

Samantha said...

That's spectacular!! Congrats :)

Kristin said...

I am over the moon excited for you all! Congratulations Mama!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! I love how you've announced it too. So cute! I don't think I'll be joining the festivities though. I'm happy to sit back and let you young folk have all the baby fun. :)

Maude Lynn said...


Steve said...

Wonderful, love the images as well, Congrats.

Susan said...

Congrats, and what a cute announcement! Such a happy big sister.

Travel-PB said...

Congrats! I just selfishly hope you won't run out of time for photography now that you have a new full time occupation on the way... ;)

Amber said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! It is a big preggo blog party!!!!!!!!

Congratulations. How are you feeling? By the looks of your wonderful posts, it looks like you are feeling well and staying inspired. You go girl!!

Kim said...

So happy for you, :)

Breena said...

How precious!! Congratulations!!

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Congratulations, Misty. How exciting and wonderful. Now pamper yourself like crazy!

Stephanie at Grateful Heart Acres said...

Congratulations!!! That is so wonderful and exciting!!! :o)

Also,Congratulations - You've been given the Versatile Blogger award! Please visit my blog to learn more about it:

Buckeroomama said...


What a wonderful way to announce the news. I just LOVE this series of photos! :)

Unknown said...

How exciting!! Love these shots!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Congratulations! Very blessed indeed. You announced it perfectly. I pray all goes well.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How very exciting!

Jaromír Ka Foto said...

Dear Misty....congratulations. This series is simply amazing like your announcement. And the big sister has to be very proud.
I wish you a pregnancy without problems and with family contentment and support.

With regards and best wishes, Jaromir

Anonymous said...

Wow congrats!!!!!

Jamie said...

Woohoo!!!!! Congratulations to you and your family!! She is going to be a great big sister :)