If Moms Only Worked 8 Hours...

It's after 10:00 p.m. and I just finished folding laundry and as I sit here staring at my husband's pile of work clothes that need to be ironed for the week, I started thinking about a conversation I had with a preacher over the weekend.

For about a year and a half he was Mr. Mom to his young 5 year old before he married his new wife. He said that he developed a whole new appreciation for moms during that time. He said that men come home after a long day of work totally tired and ready to relax, but moms don't just "get off work" at the end of an eight hour day.

It got me to thinking...what if moms only worked 8 hours. I started to compile a mental list of all the things that would go unfinished after that 8 hour time period and I thought it would be amusing to hear what you moms would say about it.

So, funny or serious, finish this sentence in the comments below and maybe later on in the week I will put together a post with your answers.

"If moms only worked 8 hours..."


betty-NZ said...

If moms only worked 8 hours, the take-away shops would be much busier!

Jeanne said...

Kids would have alot less time to text their friends!

Kmcblackburn said...

...I wouldn't be contemplating the need for Botox!

Kim said...

If moms only worked 8 hours, my house would be a mess and my kids would not be well behaved. I would honestly be stressed out to try to get things I do all day crammed into just 8 hours. I would never get to actually play with my children.

grandmabish said...

If this full time nanny Grandma only worked 8 hrs, her own house would be clean and organized.

Susan said...

The thing that always amazes me is how my ancestors did it! They washed clothes by hand, hung them outside to dry, cooked on a wood stove, gathered eggs, milked cows, and grew vegetables. (Oh and made their own clothing too!) Food from cans was because they canned them. I get tired just thinking about it! I know they didn’t work only 8 hours for sure. I always feel so embarrassed that I can’t seem to do 1/2 the things they did, and I have all of these “time saving” devices!

If today’s mom’s only worked 8 hours, kids would have to either learn to take care of themselves or they’d be in bed by 5 pm.

Lisa Gordon said...

...kiddos would become far more responsible, far more quickly.

Great post Misty!

Unknown said...

Great post! Something to think about... :)
