
I blog over at Jennifer Officer.
I can appreciate that some people do not like to cook.
I do not like to garden.
I tried it. When we got married and moved into our home, I immediately planted roses. My mother grew beautiful roses. Wives were supposed to grow beautiful roses.
So I cajoled my sweet man into digging up a rose bed and proceeded to spend way too much money for a newly married couple on rose plants.
I learned something about myself.
I do not like to garden.
When it is hot and humid outside(which is frequently here in TN), I prefer the swimming pool or at the very least the air conditioning. It is hard to tend your roses from either of those places.
I gave up gardening.
Sometimes I forget that I don't like it and I do something ridiculous. Like plant something.
It never ends well.
But cooking...
There I find my pace.
I have felt like God's Word to me this year was to pursue love.
My problem is that in pursuing a Godly marriage, ministry, parenting, a clean house, folded laundry - I forget to pursue love.
Until I slow down and begin to mix the ingredients for a blueberry scone. For no reason except that I have some blueberries going south quickly and I don't like wasting food.
So, with worship music cranked loud and kitchen warm from preheating oven, I bake. And I slow down to pray for people - for soldiers who are recovering, friends who are waiting, people who are searching. As the butter meets the flour and the songs fill my house, I slow down and do the act of love that is most beneficial - I lift my soul to the Only One who is my Help.
He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us... 2 Corinthians 1:10
Why me Lord
What have I ever done to deserve even one
Of the pleasures I've known
Tell me Lord
What did I ever do that was worth love from you
Or the kindness you've shown
Lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus, you know what I am
Now that I know that I've needed you so
Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands
Try me Lord
If you think there's a way I can ever repay what I've taken from you
Maybe Lord
I can show someone else what I've learned myself
On my way back to you
Lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus, you know who I am
But now that I know that I've needed you so
Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands
Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands
David Crowder Band - Why Me?
And the tears pour down my face because that is me: undeserving of His pleasures and His love.
And I pray that as I meet this year of pursuing love that I could show someone else what I have learned myself.
I challenge you to find the thing that helps you slow your pace and turn your face toward heaven. Have you found it?
This is absolutely breathtaking! I love this ... learning about a new blogging friend.... and also reading her challenges! Amazing! Jennifer-- You need not be nervous about this guest post! I KNOW it gave GOD a huge ovation! Hugs!
This is a wonderful and beautiful post. A blessed Sunday to you and yours! PS - I won't grow roses because they are not a favorite but tomatos, that's something else! LOL
@Helene, I tried tomatoes as well. My lack of a green thumb extends to edible gardening as well. I so wish I had that ability. Thank you for your encouragement.
@Amy, you are such a blessing. Thank you for your sweet words.
I am sure I am old enough to be your grandmother...or at least your mother...but you touched by heart with this post.
I was blog hopping and God sent me here... I'm sure.
I am still struggling with a life that did not start out all that great and took a good while to become great..only to have it ripped away form me again. ~~VERY LONG STORY.
But as a Child of God, I know it will be amazingly perfect in the End when I see HIS face..and that of my beloved daughter who is already in HIS presence.
P.S. Arnie...has an identical "TWIN" brother in our Bible Study Class here in Houston.
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