Would you believe I actually pulled out my camera today and took a brand new photo. I've been cheating the past few days because I have been so incredibly busy. Anyway, I had fun with this shot. If you could see my setups for shots like this you would for sure chuckle. Not to mention it's extra work keeping a 2 year old from running in front of the camera.
Psst... I cheated on this photo. There wasn't near as much bokeh as I wanted so I cloned some in. Shhh....Don't tell anyone!

Very lovely Christmas presentation !
This would make a wonderful Christmas card.
Very nice, and there is no one running in front of the camera either! Good job!
so cute! I almost always clone extra bokeh in too!
You crack me up...you bokeh thief you! Well, I have to say it was worth it because I would never have known and it really makes the shot. Love the richness of all the colors.
So cute! I love your "fake" bokeh. :)
PS. I've been cheating too, using pictures from different days....it's that time of year!
super cute! :)
This is a beautiful shot, & that is one cute snowman!
P/S your bokeh seceret is safe w/ this gal!)
The holidays are such a fun time to take pictures for us photographers! This is really cute, cheating or not:)
Just beautiful Misty- you never disappoint. I am always inspired & in awe with every visit!
lovely bokeh, and I wouldn't call it cheating...you have serious skill!
lovely bokeh, and I wouldn't call it cheating...you have serious skill!
Very nicely done! It is hard this time of year to keep up with everything!
So beautiful.
Love it!
LOVE your cloning magic! This is a happy photo. great job!
I'd love to see a pullback! I learn so much from them.
Get some of my behind the scenes bokeh shots here
I love your snowman! Super cute!
Love it, great idea.
It turned out beautifully!
I love how the bokeh colors compliment Frosty and I would never have known your secret by looking :o). Wonderful photo, thank you for sharing!
Blue and white..so pretty! Love the bokeh!
Cute! And I've cloned more bokeh in on occasion too ;-)
Beautiful! I love it?
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