Day 273 - What giant TEETH you have!

This little guy seemed to have no fear....until he heard the birds coming. :)

What do you guys think of the new blog design?


Lisa said...

Your blog is beautiful Misty! And your picture made me laugh!

Reena said...

Like the new design! This little fellow has some mighty teeth to bite with!

Mari said...

The blog looks great and this picture is so cute!

Ashley Sisk said...

That is priceless! Love it.

whippetmom said...

love the new look and this picture cracked me up :)

One said...

Absolutely love your gopher shot!

karren said...

Darn little varmit! Why do they have to be so cute?

Kmcblackburn said...

Holy Moly...and they look so cute in "Caddyshack"! :)


Unknown said...

Lol! The hubs is going to love this one!

Nadege, said...

What a cool dude.
Love the new design.

Unknown said...

He's so cute! My son thinks he's hilarious!

Unknown said...

Cool photo! Love the new blog look!

Catherine said...

That is such a cute photo--great capture! And I'm digging your new blog look!

Anonymous said...

He he. Too cute.