Favorite Photo of the Week Winners + Contest - Week 19

Time for a new contest but first the winners from last week! Be sure to grab your button.

Do you follow Reena? You really should. She has such gorgeous photos. The colors and choice of processing for this photo is stunning!

Can we all say "WOW"!? A gorgeous introduction to Fall.

Would you check out that beautiful lighting?! Not to mention the gorgeous endearing moment she captured.

Sarah captured the rainy days of fall days so perfectly. I am so looking forward to those days hopefully coming soon.

This week's #1 Favorite Photo of the Week is...

Scott has such a gift for capturing incredible details on insects. Another stunning image! It's been pointed out to me a couple different times that it's definitely obvious I have an infatuation with insects. lol :) It does seem to be a trend with my favorite pics. I just know how hard they are to capture so I am so impressed with those who have a gift for it like Scott.

Congratulations, Scott on being this week's Favorite Photo of the Week. Your photo will be featured on my side panel the entire week linking people to your blog and you will be in the running for a month long advertisement spot on my blog. Feel free to grab your button below.

It's time for Week 19 of the Favorite Photo of the Week Contest. Link up below but first make sure you read the rules.


There are some photos submitted that I would love to choose as winners. Unfortunately because they are protected I am not able to select them, so in the future when you submit a photo to the challenge, please allow me access to at least that one photo so you will have a chance of winning.  Also, I notice some people are still using my old contest button. If you would be so kind as to replace it with the new one, I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much for everyone's participation! This is the biggest turnout to date. You all are awesome!

Here is my own personal favorite photo of the week:


FYH said...

Love your texture work...!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful autumn impressions on every photo. I love your leave on the wood.

Leovi said...

Delicious fall colors. Excellent photos, pure poetry.

Nadege, said...

A wonderful selection of images for the top five.

Anonymous said...

Great shot. Thanks for choosing mine for a favorite.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Have a nice weekend :)

Gina Kleinworth said...

Once again- they are all INCREDIBLE! WOW!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm a new follower and it's my first time linking.

I look forward to seeing everyones photos.

Bella Vida by Letty
Have a great day.

Windthicket Fables said...

Hey- I stumbled upon you by accident today, and I love your blog and I am following now. I plan on participating in your contest each week now. How lovely everyone's photos are! Admittedly, I am a bit intimidated. But I am looking forward to seeing everyone's work!

Reena said...

Thanks Misty for your kind words. Some awesome photos here and the winner's photo of the fly. Wowza!

Kristin said...

The competition this week was really tough, but it doesn't surprise me who you picked. I know you love your bugs, but that shot is incredible...from the colors to the detail to those amazing red eyes, it is truly stellar. Great choice and congrats to all the others.

Scott said...

Thank you for the very kind words about my photo of the fly. I really do appreciate it!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I love your photo Misty. The wood grain gives the impression of water ripples.

Anonymous said...

I love the autumn and the leaves, such a sweet shot!

Ashley Sisk said...

Your photo is so great for the season. Love it.

Unknown said...

You get some of the most amazing photos for this challenge every week! Gorgeous choices!!

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Incredible selection of photos! Wow.

And i love the texture on your photo this week. So pretty.

Thanks for hosting :)

Karen said...

So much great talent displayed here! I am a new follower and have posted my first photo for the challenge.

Unknown said...

Love the detail and color of your photo Misty! Thank you for sharing!

Kim Stevens said...

Gorgeous image and your processing is beautiful!!

A Creative Grace said...

some really great photo's here! Thanks for hosting :)

Melanie said...

Such gorgeous photos all around!!

LOVE your texture Misty!

Unknown said...

Your photo is simply beautiful! Love it!

The top 5 are also wonderful!

Patrice said...

I'm so excited to find your contest! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!