Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Ok, so get this. I was trying so hard to take a nap this afternoon but my mind was busy working overtime trying to remember what the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were and how I was going to interpret them that I couldn't sleep. I finally just had to get up and start taking pictures. lol

I don't have very much gold in my house because a) I am not a queen and b) I'm not big on the color gold...fortunately I had an arrangement on my wall that had some gold in it, so voila!

{Facial Feature}
I can't tell you how unbelievably hard it is to get a toddler to stand still longer than 2 seconds to get their photo, but success!

Love my $5 bag. I use it all the time!

I decided to interpret this in a different way (although they each do have shadows). These two are always "shadowing" each other. Like how I did that? :)

Rather than take this photo again I decided to use an old one because it's the perfect interpretation of this prompt.

Hope you all had a fab Sunday!


Chelsea said...

Great pictures!! Cute bag! There's no way I could do all of these prompts. I spend all week thinking about one!

Mikayla said...

Ooh I think I have a tie for favorites! I love both your spicy and gold shots, great job this week (:

Holly said...

I love all your pictures so much...they are BEAUTIFUL!

Tezzie said...

haha! That's a Scavenger Hunt obsession if I ever heard one ;) Seems that giving up a nap really paid off, 'cause these are just gorgeous! I love your gold, especially all of the golden bokeh...your interpretation of 'shadow' is wonderful, and that bag is pure fabulousness <3

Amanda said...

Beautiful shots!!

Laura said...

Wonderful group of images. Especially like your spicy shot.

Jules said...

All of your pictures are wonderful, but I think my favorites are your "gold" shot and your "spicy". Very creative. :)

Serendipityissweet said...

Beautiful, all of them, but that gold is so stunning!!

kathyL said...

Great photos - I really love your spicy shot. Reminded me to get new measuring spoons, too. Mine were recently mangled in the garbage disposal. NOT a pretty sound!

Amy said...

I love all of your interpretations of these prompts - particularly the 'shadows'. Just lovely.

Kim Stevens said...

Love both your shadow (cute, cute) and your spicy!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! You and I had the same spicy! neat! love the shots.

Ashley Sisk said...

What a beautiful set - I really love your first shot.

Seizing My Day said...

I lve the shadow shot!! and your bag! ;) and for $5 bucks ...even more wonderful! ha!

Wendy said...

Love your fabric shot and love that it was $5!!! Great interpretation of shadow...I have two of those too!
All around great set of pictures!

Jaymi said...

beautiful collection---I love the spices!

Saun said...

Love your shadow too cute

Mary Gene Atwood said...

Lovely series. First one is my favorite!

Unknown said...

she's so sweet!

Kim said...

Oh Misty, what a great collection of shots. I love your interpretations an the photos for each.

Brooke said...

cute cute shadow shot! great set!!

Michelle said...

What a beautiful set of photos. I tried...but I just can't choose a favorite!

Anonymous said...

Love the spicy!!

Unknown said...

These things keep me awake too! :) Love all your photos this week. I think your interpretation of shadows is my favorite.