Never thought I would say this but I actually kind of miss the 365 challenge. I couldn't wait for it to end last year and I was certainly not doing another one this year. The downside though is that I don't pick up my camera as much, I don't interact with my other blogging buddies as often as I would like and I have started to feel a little disconnected. I learned so much photography-wise last year and came so far in my photography skills. I feel I have hit a major dry spell and I have mixed emotions about it. On one hand, I have so much more time to give to my little girl which is awesome, but on the other hand I miss my creative "adult" outlet which is connecting with other photographers. I still don't intend on doing a 365 but I'm trying to think of ways to still challenge myself creatively. So thankful for Ashley's Scavenger Hunt Sundays. When I do participate I feel such a burst of creative happiness participating in something I love so
BTW, if you got an e-mail from me stating I am in Spain, I'm not. My e-mail got hacked. My apologies.

What a beautiful bird! Sorry to hear about your email being hacked. I’ve always wanted to visit Spain.
Ohh you've just put into words how I feel -- exactly.
My 365 project finished on 31.12.2011 and I was glad... it was tough! Like you said Ive stopped trying to create something new, Ive stopped walking whereas before I would MAKE myself.
The 365project community are great and the weekly competitions... Gahhhhh Im talking myself into starting up again.
New lens soon then maybe i will start again.
Jennie. x
What a beautiful capture Misty and incredible bird! I have just the opposite problem, when I don't have my camera with my I feel a bit lost. My son had a cross country meet yesterday and since it had been raining on and off for most of the day, I decided to leave it behind. Of course when I got there is started clearing up and I felt like I was going to miss something.
I do love scavenger hunt Sunday's!!!
Haha, I guess I should proof read before I click the button! : )
What a shot!!! What kind of bird is that???
I did a 365 a couple of years ago .... it was difficult!!! But, like you, I learned so much! With that said, I don't see another 365 in my future :-D .....
I'm so sorry to hear about your email! Did you receive my emails? Sorry to mention that here but I've been afraid that you haven't gotten them and if you've been hacked maybe you haven't! Beautiful picture od the bird!
Great shot that's too bad your not in Spain. Sorry about your e mail
Outstanding blue
Beautiful pic!! I have never heard of scavenger hunt Sunday's. Sounds like fun :)
This is a stunning shot Misty! Just perfect. I know what you mean about 365. I miss it, but I don't. Have you looked into a Project 52?
Misty, this is just beautiful!
I have never even seen that color before on anything
this is a beautiful picture.
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
Gorgeous bird and wonderful shot.
wow, this is gorgeous!! love the color of that bird!
This is one AMAZING picture!!! If you don't mind me asking, what lens did you use? are so talented...
I agree with you - the SS gets me out and stimulated to DO better!
what a lovely bird! sorry to hear about your email being hacked.
What a stunning bird and a stunning picture!
Herding Cats
Such a beautiful photo.
Truly amazing!!
What a gorgeous's color is so vibrant!!
That may be the most beautiful bird I've ever seen. I am in love with the colors. And you did a gorgeous job of capturing it within its surroundings. Thanks so much for sharing at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!
The blue of the bird with the green background is so pretty together! This is my third year doing a 365 although I don't put any pressure on myself to get a great shot each day and lots of days I just use my iphone. I've gotten so used to it that it would feel kind of weird to not take a photo every day.
What amazing color Misty! Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful capture!!!
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